Was the most stupidest game ive ever played
Was the most stupidest game ive ever played
This is one of the worst things Ive ever played. The "game" is a static picture of a a skate park, then you tap on a poorly modeled skateboard... Thats it, the skate board jumps when you tap it but thats it. I dont know why they bothered to make this. Absolute s##t
Its impossible to play how do you do tricks????!!!!
You literally just throw a skateboard board around I deleted this in 7 seconds if I could rate this a 0 star I would.
I taught myself game design and Im really bad at it. I could make this unplayable game in a day. WHO THE F*** WOULD PAY FOR A SH**Y SKATEBOARD THAT YOU CANT EVEN SEE THE GRAPHIC OF.
I got the game hoping it would be like true skate but free completely disaponting
I play it 5 secs Im like no lol u throw it around what is this
This a freaking rip OFF nothing is fun about it the pictures is a Lie.The game freaking said it a 3d game wrong is a freaking 2d game that you flick the board to do stuff not like The pop shuvit is like flicking it so than it can fall on the deck on it side and more random and stupid stuff.this is a waist of lot of time. So let say you got a free game from the App Store and the pic look amazing then I download that game as quick as you can than mins later you open up that game it a total rip off and let say you download a puzzle game well you got riped of because is a 2d puzzle simulator that like this game it not in 3d is not a skate board game is just crap if you finish reading this review never and I mean never get this game!!!!!!!